Stacks of Wax and Paperbacks: An Evening of Rock and Readings

Left Bank Books and Vintage Vinyl present Stacks of Wax and Paperbacks: An Evening of Rock and Readings celebrating independent record labels and small press authors!

Featuring NY Tyrant author Scott McClanahan, who will read from his novel "The Sarah Book," and Third Man Books poets Erica Lewis and Ciona Rouse, who will read from their collections "mary wants to be a superwoman" and "Vantablack." In addition to the readings, we'll be spinning cuts from the latest Fat Possum and Third Man Records releases, with Vintage Vinyl on site to sell the newest albums by Courtney Marie Andrews, Pokey LaFarge, Bash & Pop, and Margot Price. Refreshments and adult party beverages will be provided. You don't want to miss an evening of heartbreakingly gorgeous fiction, pop punk poetics, and addictive tunes. Come with open hearts and full wallets, leave with stacks of wax and paperbacks!

This event is free and open to the public, but proof of purchase of either "The Sarah Book," "mary wants to be a superwoman" or "Vantablack" from Left Bank Books will be required to enter the signing line.

Event Properties

Event Date 10-23-2017 7:00 pm
Location Left Bank Books - West End